I've been trying to upload some ChIP seq data in bed format but everytime I try (include file upload and copy/paste) in get data, I get a "Failed: Not Found (404)"
I managed to uplaod a file just a few minds before.
Please help, thanks!
I've been trying to upload some ChIP seq data in bed format but everytime I try (include file upload and copy/paste) in get data, I get a "Failed: Not Found (404)"
I managed to uplaod a file just a few minds before.
Please help, thanks!
I have having the same problem!!!!!
This issue has been resolved, please see: A: No space left on device
I got the same problem right now.
This issue has been resolved, please see: A: No space left on device
Where are you working? On Galaxy Main at http://usegalaxy.org or elsewhere?
I tested just now and loading a BAM dataset was successful. Perhaps try again?
Best, Jen, Galaxy team
Update: a "paste" of text in BED format was also successful
I'm not sure why it didn't work, but it did now. Thanks!
This was an issue on the Galaxy Main server at http://usegalaxy.org. It has just been resolved (again - there were two rounds of corrections). Thanks for your feedback and patience! Jen, Galaxy team