Question: (Closed) ftp file upload local server
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3.6 years ago by
ajmaninisha30 wrote:


i want to upload large files through ftp on local server, earlier i was using galaxy main where they had in built ftp upload option. Kindly advise which tool to download from galaxy tool shed for this purpose i tried several ftp options but its not the same as we get in Galaxy main when we want to input data and they give options like get local files, Ftp upload etc.





ftp file local server • 1.5k views
ADD COMMENTlink written 3.6 years ago by ajmaninisha30

Hello ajmaninisha!

Questions similar to yours can already be found at:

We have closed your question to allow us to keep similar content in the same thread.

If you disagree with this please tell us why in a reply below. We'll be happy to talk about it.


PS: Please see the answer in A: ftp setup local server
ADD REPLYlink written 3.6 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k


I want to use a genome annotation file but that's in gff format , I converted that into gtf and used it on Galaxy, it's giving me the outputs but the outputs are blank in some cases and in some it's giving me only one class code, and even the transcript accuracy file is not complete.

Kindly help

ADD REPLYlink written 3.6 years ago by ajmaninisha30
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