Question: uploading bam file
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2.9 years ago by
c.zijlstra0 wrote:

I am trying to upload a bam file that was generated by rna-star (using Illumina1.9 sequencing data), but I get the following error:

Has anyone a suggestion how to solve this problem??


Kind regards, Carla Zijlstra (

software error • 954 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 2.9 years ago by c.zijlstra0

You may be pasting a view of the file you want to download instead of the actual file. You should try to get the actual url where your file is located so the Galaxy server can then download it from the source server.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.9 years ago by Pedro Morell0

I cannot see any of the graphics, so guessing a bit here.

Where are you loading the data? or other (local, cloud, alternate public site? URL?)

Be aware that when loading via URL, it must be publically accessible. If private, the URL it has to include your user/pass credentials.

Downloading locally to your computer then uploading to Galaxy using FTP is always an option. Should you downloaded this way, it would permit you to examine the file itself for integrity - for example, run a simple Samtools command against it.

Please share more details and we can try to help. Jen, Galaxy project

(ps: good advice also from segador67)

ADD REPLYlink written 2.9 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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