I would like to use the new "enhanced" barcode splitter that was developed this past year. It is in the Galaxy Main toolshed, but not available to use in workflows on Galaxy Main. It is basically the same thing, but gives the option to directly import the output files to a new history, preventing the user from having to download and upload each file individually (very helpful when looking at multiplexed data with 45 barcodes, like I am doing now).
Would it be possible to add this tool in place or in addition to the Barcode Splitter tool now available on Galaxy Main? Searching through BioStar, this seems like a frequent question and would be helpful for many researchers! It can be found here: https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/lparsons/fastx_barcode_splitter_enhanced
In addition, ideally, there would be a way to output the split files directly into the next step in the workflow. Is there anyway to do this? For example, if someone had 10 files coming from the Barcode Splitter step in the workflow, is there a way to send those files directly into the next step, for example a Trim step?
Tool name: Barcode Splitter
Tool version: 1.0.0
Tool ID: toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/fastx_barcode_splitter/cshl_fastx_barcode_splitter/1.0.0
ToolShed URL: https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/devteam/fastx_barcode_splitter