Question: Filezilla 552 error eventhough disk isn't full
gravatar for k.vanduijvenboden
17 months ago by
k.vanduijvenboden50 wrote:

Dear Galaxy admin,

I am trying to upload some sequencing files to my Galaxy account using FileZilla, but the transfers keep getting cancelled due to a 552 error (Disk quota exceeded). This is despite the fact that there is ample room for the files on my account (20% disk space unused, I would need about 5%).

Is this perhaps a server issue or does something else need to happen (from your or my side)?

Best regards,


galaxy • 768 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 17 months ago by alejandroathie0 • written 17 months ago by k.vanduijvenboden50
gravatar for jlei
17 months ago by
jlei20 wrote:

Having the same problem too!

ADD COMMENTlink written 17 months ago by jlei20
gravatar for alejandroathie
17 months ago by
alejandroathie0 wrote:

I'm having the same problem. I tried with different FTP clients (Filezilla and ForkLift) but both give the same error.

Best, Alejandro

ADD COMMENTlink written 17 months ago by alejandroathie0
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