Question: Trinity Assembly - data files too big
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20 months ago by
clogan0 wrote:

I'd like to run a Trinity de novo assembly in Galaxy. My left and right concatenated files are ~27GB each and I have uploaded them via ftp. However when I load them into my workspace they are automatically being unzipped to two 127GB files. This freezes my Galaxy account because it is above the disk space quota. Is there a way to prevent Galaxy from automatically unzipping my files or another work around? Thank you!

trinty • 592 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 20 months ago by Mo Heydarian830 • written 20 months ago by clogan0
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20 months ago by
Mo Heydarian830
United States
Mo Heydarian830 wrote:

Hello, First, please try clearing out datasets from histories you no longer require. If this is not possible, please email with a short request to have your quota increased.

If you may be working with more large datasets, you could consider using Galaxy with Cloudman on a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services. These instances are scalable up to 16 TB and can persist for as little or as long as you like.

Thanks for using Galaxy!

Cheers, Mo Heydarian

ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by Mo Heydarian830
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