Question: Jobs failing due to Disk quota exceeded; only using 40% of 250Gb however
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17 months ago by
United States
jling70 wrote:


It seems that I am unable to run any jobs due to "IOError: [Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded"

Looks like it's the common error across multiple bug reports. However, I'm only using 40% of 250Gb

Could someone look into this?


disk quota exceeded • 860 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 17 months ago • written 17 months ago by jling70
gravatar for jling
17 months ago by
United States
jling70 wrote:

Nevermind, jobs are running now; appears to be fixed

ADD COMMENTlink written 17 months ago by jling70

Yes, the problem occurred Saturday at Galaxy Main http:/// and was corrected that same evening.

Any failed jobs during this time period should be rerun as the error message can vary between tools. This includes re-uploading or re-creating datasets that present a problem/error once tools use that data as input. If a problem is persistent after re-uploading/creating the inputs and re-running tools, a bug report can be sent in.

Thanks for reporting the issue! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink modified 17 months ago • written 17 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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