Question: Problems with file upload
gravatar for rrpchandra
3.1 years ago by
United States
rrpchandra0 wrote:


I am trying to upload a fastq file of 6.5 GB size. Since galaxy is not allowing me to upload file bigger than 2 GB, I downloaded the filezilla to use FTP. However, my University does not allow me to be a host for any ftp, so, I cannot connect to filezilla and cannot upload the fastq files to the Galaxy server. Is there any way to upload the file to galaxy without using FTP or my home server (which will give me a different host server address)?



galaxy • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.1 years ago • written 3.1 years ago by rrpchandra0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
3.1 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


The problem is not quite clear. The Galaxy server is the FTP host. The Filezilla (or direct FTP line-command, both are possible) is moving data "to" the FTP host (in this case, Galaxy). No data is moved "from" Galaxy using this method. It is a 1-way transfer. 

Still, moving data externally via FTP may still be prohibited by your university. Asking to have this specific access unblocked by the university admins might be possible if you asked. Note the Galaxy server URL when you make the request. 

Using a home connection and your Galaxy account should not be problematic if the data is local to your computer (and not on the university servers). Your account is at http://usegalaxy. Logging into your account from any web browser should be possible. Accessing it through Filezilla using your account credentials should be possible.

All this assumes that the Galaxy you are trying to reach is, another public Galaxy server, cloud Galaxy that you have access to, or a local that is public - any of which have FTP enabled. If the Galaxy server is actually at your university and they do not have FTP enabled on that server, then this won't resolve the same way. That server would need to have FTP enabled (again, something that you could request, but from the admins running the Galaxy server).

If your question has been misunderstood, please explain more. Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.1 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for rrpchandra
3.1 years ago by
United States
rrpchandra0 wrote:

Sorry for the late reply and thank you for taking time and answering my stupid questions. Now, I have another silly problem, I cannot log in to my galaxy account, it says the password is incorrect. So, I tried to do password reset. But, I haven't received any email since yesterday. Am I doing it wrong?

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.1 years ago by rrpchandra0
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