Question: Problem with uploading files via ftp
gravatar for pvivekashyap
7 months ago by
pvivekashyap0 wrote:

Hello ,

I wanted to upload fastq files to Galaxy , and i get the error of " Your connection is not private ". (As per previous suggestions , i used (with no ftp:// prefix), and it takes me to the main web page of galaxy, so failed here )

When i try to upload fastq files via command line using Filezilla server, i get the following error : Error : could not connect to server.

Finally when i tried to upload the files via command line using lftp , i get the following error : Login failed: 550 SSL/TLS required on the control channel

I basically wanted to know how exactly do we upload files to Galaxy server? Like i mentioned above i have tried all the 3 ways (uploading via web browser, via FileZilla server, and command line), and none worked. Any help/ suggestion in this regard is highly appreciated.


upload usegalaxy ftp • 485 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 7 months ago by pvivekashyap0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
7 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


I just successfully FTP's files to the server

From the FTP options list here, I used the Filezilla application with all default settings, entered my credentials, connected, accepted the security certificate, and transferred data. Your "credentials" are your full registered account email address and password - the same as you use at the website to log in.

To resolve problems:

  • I do not see a job in your account where the Upload tool was used to browse a local file and upload it. This might be a good test, just to see what happens with your connection. Load smaller sample data -- it must be under 2 GB, but I would try something really small for a test, even if just a few lines of text/sequence.

  • I do see a job to extract data from a public source that is in a grey queued state. This job is stalled because an older tool version was used that no longer works with NCBI's protocols. Please use the newest version of the tool instead: Extract reads in FASTQ/A format from NCBI SRA. (Galaxy Version Reload the grey stalled job with the "rerun" button, change to the newer tool with the Versions menu, and submit. The stalled job can be permanently deleted after.

  • Double check your Filezilla settings and/or command-line against those described in the FAQ above. A firewall on your side may be a factor. Check with your local admin or IPS provider.

The linked posts to the right contain discussion about how this was resolved by others. Or, you can search by keyword "firewall" and/or "ftp".


Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink modified 7 months ago • written 7 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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