Question: You are over your disk quota. Tool execution is on hold until your disk usage drops below your allocated quota
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4.3 years ago by
cli3740 wrote:

I got the information saying that i have reached the disk quota. However, I have used purge deleted data function to delete my old data. So why i still got this information. Thanks


chip-seq • 2.2k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.3 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 4.3 years ago by cli3740
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
4.3 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


It does occasionally take some time (maybe an hour at most) for data to purge. Did you see disk usage go down at all (User -> Preferences -> Bottom of page)?

If still over quota, I suspect that there was not enough data permanently deleted. This wiki/video explains how to search your account. See section #8

Please let us know how this goes, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.3 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k


Thank you for reply, It just takes some time to purge the data.


Subject: [galaxy-biostar] A: You are over your disk quota. Tool execution is on hold until your disk usage dr From: To: Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:43:45 +0000

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User Jennifer Hillman Jackson wrote Answer: You are over your disk quota. Tool execution is on hold until your disk usage drops below your allocated quota:


It does occasionally take some time (maybe an hour at most) for data to purge. Did you see disk usage go down at all (User -> Preferences -> Bottom of page)?

If still over quota, I suspect that there was not enough data permanently deleted. This wiki/video explains how to search your account. See section #8

Please let us know how this goes, Jen, Galaxy team

You may reply via email or visit You are over your disk quota. Tool execution is on hold until your disk usage drops below your allocated quota">You are over your disk quota. Tool execution is on hold until your disk usage drops below your allocated quota
ADD REPLYlink written 4.3 years ago by cli3740
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