Question: My Galaxy Runs Are Still Not Starting
gravatar for Afazja - mpm
5.0 years ago by
Afazja - mpm10
Afazja - mpm10 wrote:
Hi I have seen a similar posts on Galaxy mailing list and writing to you since my problems with Galaxy continues. I have jobs (Cofflinks and Tophat) which have been waiting to run for a more then 12 hours. Is there a problem with jobs running on Galaxy today? Many hanks Marcin
galaxy • 768 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5.0 years ago by Afazja - mpm10
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5.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Marcin, Hopefully by now your jobs have run? The queue for certain jobs (such as mapping and other in "NGS" groups) is a bit busier than the queue for other tasks. This is under constant change - it just depends on how many other users are on the public server. Last week we had a few very busy days. The important item is to allow queued jobs to run (don't stop/restart). Here is more about how the job execution process works: ute Take care, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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