Question: TopHat run starting then stopping
cookseq2 • 0 wrote:
Dear Galaxy Team
I have been having a problem with some tophat runs on my galaxy account. When originally submitted these jobs began to run almost immediately but were grayed out the morning after. It is a paired end tophat alignment on two large datasets (around 17GB) and i know that jobs which are too long or big for the main galaxy server are resubmitted to Stampede but my jobs have been in this grayed out state for over a week and haven't started running again. Is there anything to do to resolve this?
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modified 3.4 years ago
Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k
3.4 years ago by
cookseq2 • 0
The jobs were first submitted on Thursday the 11th of June
FYI this work has been done on the main public galaxy server, i will attempt to download the datasets and retry the analysis on the galaxy test server and see if the jobs resolve on there.