Tried a megablast of nt for some metagenomic work. It was still in queue one hour later so I deleted and re-started. That job is still waiting to run 2.5 hours later. Anyone else having this issue? Problem is my local galaxy install is down.
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Question: Megablast still queued
0 • 60 wrote:
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modified 4.2 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
4.2 years ago by • 60
Dannon Baker ♦ 3.7k wrote:
The main server is incredibly busy right now so you'll see some delays in job execution (school's back!), so everyone else is experiencing this issue. There aren't any technical issues, though, and your jobs will definitely run after a bit of a delay.
Additionally, we'd really recommend not deleting and restarting jobs, since that just sends to back to the end of the queue.
Just adding in a link about details for how to interpret dataset status:
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