Question: storage space and STAR analysis
gravatar for khksw0403
11 months ago by
khksw040310 wrote:

Hello, I've uploaded 40 fastq files (total size around 80GB), and tried STAR alignment analysis. However when the file is uploading, a pop-up window with error msg "using 275GB storage XXXXX". However my total file size is just 80GB and history is also clean. So, I divide some group (over storage problem) then try STAR alignment, but again there is error (Remote job server indicated a problem running or monitoring this job).

error tool alignment account quota • 366 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 11 months ago by khksw040310
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11 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Exceeding quota memory (data storage) and exceeding tool memory or exceeding quota again during job execution (data processing) are two distinct items with different solutions.

For the quota issues, you might have leftover data from a prior analysis or the calculation might be off. Double check the actual usage by reviewing active/delete data vs permanently deleted data. Resolve by purging unneeded data (if needed) then reset the quota usage calculation by logging out then in again. How to is explained in this set of FAQs:

For the tool issues, this error indicates that the job is creating more data that puts your account quota again, or the job is too large to run at Galaxy Main with the given inputs and tool settings, or there is a problem with the inputs themselves (format or content problems) triggering a cluster error. Double check inputs first as this can often lead to tool errors ( and review the other troubleshooting help here ( Often small fixes will result in a successful job.

Please be aware that RNA STAR is known to use more memory resources during job execution than HISAT2. When a job is simply too large for STAR (inputs/settings are ok, there is room in your account for the results to publish back into a history), we often suggest using HISAT instead. If still too large to execute with HISAT, the other options explained in the tool-error FAQ above can be considered.

Should you get stuck and want a second opinion, a bug report from an error job can be sent in when working at Galaxy Main How to is also in the tool-error FAQ above.

Galaxy RNA-seq tutorials:

Hope that helps! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink modified 11 months ago • written 11 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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