6 months ago by
United States
One of our web servers hosting Galaxy Main https://usegalaxy.org is under a very high load right now. Our administrators know what the issue is and will be correcting it with priority, yet it may be still a day or two out before fully resolved. Our team will write back with an update once things are back to normal.
Upload is impacted by this issue, resulting in unusually long execution times. Some jobs will never complete and/or eventually fail. The timing for Upload depends on a few factors, so the queued (grey) and execution (yellow) states vary in how long they take to run even under normal conditions. However, it would unusual for this kind of job to take over an hour even with a very large dataset.
The maximum Upload size for browsed files is 2 GB. For URL or FTP Upload data the maximum file size is 50 GB for most data and around 35 GB for BAM data. The initial FTP process itself can take much longer (depends on the connection and the data size), but once transferring data with the Upload tool into the history, under an hour is the expectation (and is usually much quicker). URL upload times can also vary based on file size/connection speed with the data source.
Workaround for now (rare advice! most reruns are discouraged, and that is still true for other tools): We suggest rerunning the Upload jobs. Kill the prior ones (permanently delete). If a job takes over an hour, then you probably hit the web server with the load problem, and you'll need to try again. Web services are randomly assigned -- so this may take a few attempts.
Thanks for posting the problem here and I hope the workaround helps to get your data loaded. I am going to modify the question title so others can find it and follow the ticket for updates.
Jen, Galaxy team