Question: Our Deleted and purged Items still look like they are still running and holding up the queue
gravatar for rpink
12 months ago by
rpink10 wrote:

Hello, I realised we put in the wrong setting to run a CUFFDIFF so I deleted and purged those and rerun them with the right settings, but they seem stuck in a world of Grey and the deleted datasets still seem to be yellowing with a little running animation. Do you think that is holding it up, we have 200gb in this run so cant move it to a new history to try again, can anyone help

delete purge queue jobs rerun • 395 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12 months ago • written 12 months ago by rpink10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
12 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Those executing jobs were already dispatched to a cluster and will eventually end with an error stating that the job was deleted before completing. What you have done (purging) was the correct way to rerun. It may take some time to fully clear out but you didn't have another choice. The clusters are also very busy right now (our admin is monitoring this closely), so some delays are expected for larger job types like Cuffdiff anyway, and a few reruns may not make that much of a time difference overall for your analysis. That said, if you have jobs to run downstream of Cuffdiff, those could also be queued now if getting the work done as quickly as possible is a priority.

Most people have probably started up jobs at some point that have a problem requiring a rerun. The best way to get the new work processed is to leave the rerun jobs queued. They will eventually process and there is no method to speed this up once the deleted/purged jobs are in the execution phase.

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Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for rpink
12 months ago by
rpink10 wrote:

thats great, thanks for taking the time to explain, its appreciated, you're the busiest lady I know!

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 months ago by rpink10
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