Hi I have deleted couple jobs while were running and I have started new ones, but it seems not working. Is there any reason for these new jobs are not running? I have purged all deleted. Thanks, RAP
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Question: New jobs not starting after deleting executing jobs -- Job queue and quotas
razevedo • 0 wrote:
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
If you permanently delete the datasets associated with the job, they will often clear quicker.
That said, if the jobs were actually executing at the time you deleted them, they are already dispatched to the cluster. Your new jobs will start up when there are resources available. Jobs are queued in the order submitted but there is also some management to share resources among all users. If you already have jobs in progress (deleted/purged or not), your wait may be a bit longer since Galaxy has already allocated job slots to you that are not finished.
More details are here: https://galaxyproject.org/main/#user-data-and-job-quotas
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
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