Question: Trinity not running- still
gravatar for gg832
18 months ago by
gg83220 wrote:


I've been trying to run Trinity with my data for more than a month now. Currently, it's been six days since I last deleted and resubmitted it. It's still says "this job is waiting to run." Could someone please look into why my jobs won't run? I'm using the default parameters, and I always resubmit it after you guys say Trinity is up and running again, but it has never worked.


trinity • 493 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 18 months ago by gg83220

Thanks for reporting the issues. The admins at are investigating. More feedback soon. Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 18 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Hi Jennifer,

Any update on this? I've had a Trinity job waiting to run (grey, clock symbol) for about a day and half now. Is this an expected wait time and I should just stay where I am in the queue, or at what point does it make sense to resubmit the job?

Thanks! Noah

ADD REPLYlink written 18 months ago by nsimons10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
18 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:

Update for job delays and/or cluster failures at 5-22-2017:

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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