Question: Help, I can not connect with the FTP server galaxy/Hutlab
gravatar for anderson.nb6
18 months ago by
anderson.nb60 wrote:

I can not connect with the FTP server galaxy/Hutlab ( I think I'm doing something wrong. Here's how I tried:

I'm using Filezilla. To connect I use my account and:

Host: (But I also tried: , according to

The result that I get:

Status: Connecting ...

Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity

Error: Could not connect to server

galaxy hutlab • 658 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago by amitpande7410 • written 18 months ago by anderson.nb60
gravatar for nahuimc
18 months ago by
nahuimc10 wrote:

i have the same problem since february.... i sent an email to huttenhower lab without any answer

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by nahuimc10
gravatar for amitpande74
18 months ago by
amitpande7410 wrote:

I presume you have to upload NGS data .....and that you are using Linux......then the best way is to ask the admin to configure the vsftd conf file....from what I see the site does not support ftp right now....or configure the galaxy.ini files....ask your admin to do so.

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by amitpande7410
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