Question: Query about a running or onging job
gravatar for souradeep.mis
22 months ago by
souradeep.mis40 wrote:

I have a doubt and it need to get clarified. The input data, In case of a successfully executed job, can they be deleted when the job is still running. Because i fear to delete one file and that is why i am getting a little bit memory problem. Any helpful reply is highly appreciated, Thank you.

jobs galaxy • 525 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 22 months ago • written 22 months ago by souradeep.mis40
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
22 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Leave inputs intact until the job fully completes or unexpected results can occur.

If you are over user account quota and still have analysis to perform, either permanently delete datasets not in use (download first if wanted) or consider moving to a local/cloud Galaxy where you can administrate the resources. The user account quota is 250 GB at Other public Galaxy sites have their own user quotas set.

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 22 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for souradeep.mis
22 months ago by
souradeep.mis40 wrote:

Thank you so much Jen.

ADD COMMENTlink written 22 months ago by souradeep.mis40
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