Question: I can't not convert wig file to bigwig file
todaud0 • 0 wrote:
I want to make bigwig file from wig file
I did it with wig/bedgraph to biwig tools.
But I get a error message that is 'This is a new dataset and not all of its data are available yet'
I don' know why this message is appeared.
Is there as any relationship with recent update?
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modified 2.6 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
2.6 years ago by
todaud0 • 0
I have a similar problem but the error message is: "Couldn't open /galaxy-repl/main/files/013/135/dataset_13135118.dat , No such file or directory Fatal error: Matched on Error Error running wigToBigWig."
I thought this was due to a problem with my wig file so I tried to redo an old wig-to-bigwig conversion (worked at the time) but this also failed. So I am also wondering if that's due to the recent update (everything seems to run much slower since then).