I have a ChIP-Seq BAM file aligned on the chicken galGal3 reference genome using Bowtie2. I used “Create a BedGraph of genome coverage” under BEDTools to convert it into a bedgraph file. After that, the file was converted into a bigwig file using “Wig/BedGraph-to-bigWig converter” under “Convert Formats” (bigwig_fig1). However, it showed an error: hashMustFindVal: '1' not found (bigwig_fig1). The BAM file can be uploaded onto UCSC Genome Browser (bigwig_fig2). However, when the bedgraph was uploaded onto the UCSC Genome Browser, there is an error as below:
Unrecognized format line 1 of https://usegalaxy.org/root/display_as?id=19919161&display_app=ucsc&authz_method=display_at:1 0 67 0 (note: chrom names are case sensitive, e.g.: correct: 'chr1', incorrect: 'Chr1', incorrect: '1')
Sorry, couldn't locate 1:0-806 in genome database
At the same time, the BAM file processed by the same method can be successfully converted into a bigwig file and uploaded onto UCSC Genome Browser.
Could you help me? Thank you very much.