2.6 years ago by
United States
The error suggests an input problem. Specifically, a truncated bigWig file (one or more in use).
These files are compressed and large. Partial datasets will trigger errors in any tool that uses them - including visualization tools. Are you able to click out to an external viewer or view the datasets in Trackster (in Galaxy, under Visualization) and view without any problems? If not, one or more of the files is likely not complete.
Double check that the bigWig files were loaded completely (possibly by reloading with an FTP utility like Filezilla) and re-run. You may need to even go upstream to the original source to make certain that transfer was complete.
If after confirming that the files are intact and can be used by other tools, and you can reproduce the problem at http://usegalaxy.org, a bug report can be submitted and we can review to make certain there is not a tool problem. Leave all inputs and error datasets undeleted in the shared history and include a link to this Biostars post so that we can link the two queries together.