Question: wig to bigwig
v.stanulovic • 0 wrote:
Hi Galaxy,
I am trying to convert 12 Wig files to bigWigs since 7PM on Saturday. Conversion worked immediately for 3 of the 12 files and the others are either queuing or there is a message: "This is a new dataset and not all of its data are available yet". As far as I can see my wig files are fine and just waiting. Can you please help me with this?
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modified 2.5 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
2.5 years ago by
v.stanulovic • 0
Hi Galaxy,
This is just an update, jobs previously mentioned (wig to bigwig) didn't run even after 3 days of waiting. I deleted and purged them and started a new one and still nothing. It sims that Galaxy is not working.
Could you please just let me know if this problem is specific for my account or there is a problem with the Galaxy server and I should just wait till it is resolved.
It would be very nice to have some clarification.