Question: Rgenetics Tool
gravatar for Arun Tiwari
8.4 years ago by
Arun Tiwari10
Arun Tiwari10 wrote:
Hello, I was wondering in what format should I upload my genotype data file obtained from PLINK. I tried uploading the binary file (bed, bim, fam) as wellas the ped/map file but I am unable to run any analysis as they never appear in the input file section. I wanted to run eigenstrat using the rgenetics tools for my data. Thanks a lot for your help, Arun Tiwari Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the CAMH Email Security System. ______________________________________________________________________
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.4 years ago by Kanwei Li270 • written 8.4 years ago by Arun Tiwari10
gravatar for Kanwei Li
8.4 years ago by
Kanwei Li270
Kanwei Li270 wrote:
Hi Arun, I just checked the tool and you need to use the "ldindep" datatype as input to that tool. -Kanwei
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.4 years ago by Kanwei Li270
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