Question: Progress Indicators/Feedback For Long Jobs On Galaxy
gravatar for Greg Edwards
6.7 years ago by
Greg Edwards190
Greg Edwards190 wrote:
Hi, This has been raised a number of times .. one issue is at ... running-jobs but seems to have been dropped from Open to On Hold. There was another similar request in the issues list but I can't find it just now. I'd be gald to know if anything is happening on the idea of simple progress indicators. The first things that were raised by my "users" were 1) Don't know how long a data upload is going to take, and b) Don't know what's happening with my tool execution. (And these were both operations of only 5-10 minutes or so, they'd go crazy with the multi-GB uploads and hours-long runs I see reported here). I've implemented my own email-based scheme on a AWS EC2 CloudMan Galay, seems to be working ok. It uses an Ubuntu package "sendEmail", which is a self-conatined simple SMTP email sender. It sends progress emails out of the main Perl tool code, via a bash script, every 1 to N minutes (selectable), to an email address supplied by the user. The emails have configurable subject and content with brief display of Start, Progress (every N minutes) and Success/Failure termination status. You have to jump through some hurdles. AWS thinks your'e a spammer and blocks emails after a while ! but you can submit a request to get around that. If anyone's interested let me know. Cheers, Greg E -- Greg Edwards, Port Jackson Bioinformatics
galaxy • 923 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.7 years ago by Greg Edwards190
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6.7 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Greg, I am going to forward your email over to the mailing list where the development community can provide feedback. Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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