I have a small issue with uploading files on my local galaxy instance. Using the upload tool (the little upload icon) does not seem to save my uploaded file into history (the upload works, I can find the file uploaded to the server). Also other forms of upload work fine (Get Data -> Upload File saves files to history and FTP shows on the upload page just fine).
my nginx settings are:
nginx_upload_store = /usr/local/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/tmp/upload_store nginx_upload_path = /_upload
I have no useful errors in my log file. Will be grateful for any pointers. Thank you
How old is your Galaxy? Get Data/Upload File should open the same dialogue as the upload icon now. Can you see any JS errors in the browser? (use this to see them: http://www.wikihow.com/Report-Javascript-Errors-in-Your-Browser)