Question: How To Create And Use Workflows
gravatar for Martin Senger
8.6 years ago by
Martin Senger50 wrote:
I am a new Galaxy user and I am trying to find out more about creation and usage of workflows. Once you have a workflow, its usage seems to be quite straighforward. But for the workflow creation, I am still looking for more documentation. I am especially interested in these topics: * How can I start a workflow with data from my computer if the upload step is not available for workflows? * What should I do for my new tools (added in my own Galaxy installation) to be able to participate in workflows. Anything specila to add in their XML description file perhaps? [Perhaps this question is more for the galaxy-dev mailing list?] * Is there perhaps more documentation on Galaxy workflows anywhere? Thanks for any help, Martin -- Martin Senger email:, skype: martinsenger
galaxy • 741 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.6 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k • written 8.6 years ago by Martin Senger50
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8.6 years ago by
Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Jeremy Goecks2.2k wrote:
Hi Martin, You'll need to upload the data manually before starting the workflow on the data. Once you've verified that your tool is running in Galaxy, you'll be able to use it in a workflow without further modification. Nothing special needs to be done in the XML. There are screencasts that describe workflows (#s 4 and 5) from a user perspective: In general, the Galaxy wiki has much useful information for tool developers: Best, J.
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.6 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
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