Question: One system Two installation of Galaxy
gravatar for do kadya
4.3 years ago by
do kadya130
do kadya130 wrote:

I am having few questions regarding galaxy installation.


1. I want to configure production server for local LAN. Can I configure current galaxy installation so that many users can login to it ?

2. As per tutorial, do I really need new "non-root" linux user called as "galaxy" which will have galaxy setup? If yes ( that means, I need to have new user and new installation), then what about my old galaxy installation ? 

3. What will happen if

     -   I run old galaxy from my linux user account


     -   I run new installation from galaxy user account.


which one galaxy will be shown if browser browses my IP Address ?


Waiting for positive reply.


Thank You.

- Chetan

ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.2 years ago • written 4.3 years ago by do kadya130

I am able to manage 2 galaxy installations on 1 system.

old galaxy instance is having IP:

and new instance is set to hence localhost and my own IP address are working fine.


Question posted after this:

Unable to connect Galaxy using FTP settings

ADD REPLYlink written 4.3 years ago by do kadya130
gravatar for Dave B.
4.3 years ago by
Dave B.410
United States
Dave B.410 wrote:

1. Absolutely. The default configuration for Galaxy allows new users to freely register accounts. You will need to configure the IP Galaxy is listening on, by changing universe_wsgi.ini from:

#host =


host =

2. The user doesn't specifically need to be named "galaxy", but it's a good idea to do so in order to keep personal and Galaxy data separate.

3. If both are configured to run on the same port, only the first one you run will successfully start up. If they are configured with different ports, users can access whichever one they prefer by specifying the port when they browse to your IP.

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.3 years ago by Dave B.410

I was able to run both the galaxy on same system with two different user.


- which was having old galaxy installation.

- I have changed host to:

and port to: 8081

so that it can be accessible for my system.


Then I have created user called "galaxy"

- its host: and port: 8080.

- so now I am using new installation from other systems.

ADD REPLYlink written 4.2 years ago by do kadya130
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