Question: Installing New Tools From The Tool Shed
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5.8 years ago by
David Joly100
David Joly100 wrote:
Hi! Ok, I know many people had the same issue, but I just can't figure what's going on. I'm quite new about using a local instance of Galaxy and I'm trying to figure how to install a tool from the tool shed. Reading the tutorial (Installing Galaxy tool shed repository tools into a local Galaxy instance) looked pretty simple, but maybe I missed something. First, I modified the universe_wsgi.ini file by removing the "#" before the tool_config_file and tool_path lines. Then, I created a shed_tools folder in my $HOME directory before modifying the shed_tool_conf.xml file <toolbox tool_path="$HOME/shed_tools"> </toolbox> Finally, I log as the Admin, and select "Search and browse tool sheds", select one tool (trinityrnaseq for example), click "Preview and install" and then "Install to Galaxy". However, that's where I get an error message: The tool_config_file setting in universe_wsgi.ini must include at least one shed tool configuration file name with a <toolbox> tag that includes a tool_path attribute value which is a directory relative to the Galaxy installation directory in order to automatically install tools from a Galaxy tool shed (e.g., the file name shed_tool_conf.xml whose <toolbox> tag is <toolbox tool+path="..shed_tools">). Any idea? Thanks, DJ
galaxy • 1.5k views
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