Question: Inquiring
gravatar for Yan Luo
7.8 years ago by
Yan Luo20
Yan Luo20 wrote:
Dear Sir, (1)We installed Galaxy, but recently the user can't registered and got the following error, how can we fix it? Sever error An error occurred. See the error logs for more information.(To turn debug on to display ...). (2) Could you please let me know if there is any command to stop galaxy? (3) If I reset universe_wsgi.ini file and want to set an administrator user(I can add a line in the above file), how can I get the password? Should I stop galaxy(See question 2) first? then run "./" and "./". (4) If I run "", will a new file "universe_wsgi.ini" be generated? if I want to change this file,should I edit it before "" and after "". Is it right? (5) I read some of your docs, command "sh"(sh and "./"(./, which one is correct under Linux? Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Wises, Yan Luo, Ph.D. NIH <http:"" web?siteid="10000861&amp;webqsrc=999&amp;l=dis&amp;q=By%20the%2" 0way,="">
galaxy • 902 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.8 years ago • written 7.8 years ago by Yan Luo20
gravatar for Yan Luo
7.8 years ago by
Yan Luo20
Yan Luo20 wrote:
Dear Nate, Thanks for your quick response. I appreciate, it is very important for us to use it. We have problem recently. (1) In fact, I can't find the file "paster.log". The problem is that recently we expanded our gluster(Linux sever) and did the rebalance that has some bugs. Some of files permission have been changed. So we can't use User/register righr now, when we tried, we got the sever error, do you have any idea how to fix it? (we can change the ownships/read and write permission for some files manually, but we don't know which files and where they are?) (2) We want to reboot the Galaxy, should we first stop and start as follows? $ sh --stop $ sh Is there any difference if I use "-daemon" flag? Last times, my colleague started using "./". How to stop it? If "$ sh --stop" doesn't work (I didn't try yet, ), how can I find the process (Linux) that is running by Galaxy and kill it? (3) Could you please let me know if there is a default administrator user/password for galaxy. I want to add an administrator user, how can I do that? According to the instruction, I will change a line of "universe_wsgi.ini" as follows. How can I set/get my password? admin_users = (4) I found our "universe_wsgi.ini" contains the following setting, should I remove "#" before this line, stop and start galaxy? #allow_user_creation = True I plan to restart our galaxy, if it is possible, could you please let me know your phone #? I can call you sometime today, or if you prefer, I can give you my phone #. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Wishes, Yan Luo, Ph.D. NIH
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.8 years ago by Yan Luo20
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