Question: Retrieve data from an old instance of Galaxy Cloudman
gravatar for alishamassa
8 months ago by
alishamassa20 wrote:

Hi all,

I have been trying to access an old shutdown Galaxy Cloudman instance, the previous URL doesn't work obviously since its archived. I launched a new instance from the old version of Cloud launch appliance which gives me a new URL in the active appliance list, using the same instance name - I can see from my AWS account that it has restarted the same old instance.

However when I click on the new URL from My applicances active appliances list - it takes me to a pop up asking for my user name and password as always. However the user name and password don't work - instead of taking me to galaxy it takes me to a blank error page: 401 Authorization Required nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)

Is the deprecated version of Cloudman broken for good? How do I download my genomic data off this old instance so I can delete it permanently? If anyone has any GUI/Windows based tutorials for downloading all the data (about 1500 GB) off of AWS directly, rather than through a Galaxy Cloudman instance please please let me know. Thank you

ADD COMMENTlink modified 8 months ago by Enis Afgan690 • written 8 months ago by alishamassa20
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8 months ago by
Enis Afgan690
United States
Enis Afgan690 wrote:

I'm copying my comment from last night as this looks like the same question ( but let me know if that does not help:

I'm not sure I follow your question(s) exactly but if if you’re trying to access the CloudMan management page, the username there will be ubuntu and the password will be whatever you supplied when you relaunched the cluster most recently. This is not the Galaxy username and password. Not sure if that's the case but just wanted to clarify it.

Now, if I'm misunderstanding and that's not the issue yet all you're trying to do is delete your cluster, it may be easier to just delete it directly from the AWS console. If you log into the AWS console and go to the Volumes page under the EC2 service, you can just delete the volume that's been tagged with the name of the cluster you're trying to delete. Before deleting it, take a note of the cluster bucket name, which is available as on of the volume tags. It will be something like cm-<long string="" of="" letters="" and="" numbers="">. After you've deleted the volume, switch to the S3 service page in the AWS console, look for the bucket with the given name and delete it. That will have cleaned up all the pieces of your cluster.

ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by Enis Afgan690

That is the answer I was looking for, I didn't have the ubuntu username in my notes for some reason, worked like a charm. I did want to selectively download my data to a backup file before deleting off the AWS console.

But thanks to you, now I also know how to get it all deleted off of AWS so there will be no more charges. Thank you!!!

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by alishamassa20
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