Question: Galaxy Cloudman Login
gravatar for Sun, Wenping [USA]
5.9 years ago by
Sun, Wenping [USA]230 wrote:
Hello, I have galaxy cloudman running and had tried one time success to log in to retain the previous data and history after re-launching followed by 1st time restart. Today I am re-launching again along with the correct size of ebs volumes that I adjusted earlier. However, my login is not recognized at all ("error:no such user...."). I tried several time of terminating and restarting and it is still the same. My admin which is same as the login was able to retained every time. What's the issue with the log in?? It is taking time to repeat previous data/history. I need your help to retrieve my login. Thank you in advance, Kathryn
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.9 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k • written 5.9 years ago by Sun, Wenping [USA]230
gravatar for Dannon Baker
5.9 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:
To be clear, your admin user still works on this instance but another one does not? If this is the case, can you log in as the admin user (and, if not, simply register a new user and make it an admin) and take a look at the user list in the admin panel? To get to the user list when in Galaxy, just click "Admin" at the top and then "Manage Users". Are there users listed? If your user is listed but you're unable to log in, you can reset your password here. -Dannon
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.9 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
Thank you for the reply. When I check admin from cloudman interface, I still see myself as admin user. However, when I went to galaxy web to continue my work, I couldn't login( as error message below). I can re-register with the same user name/email, however, my history is empty. I already had much work processed previously. 1. how to retain my previous work? 2. I could not find "Mange User" under admin, either from cloudman and galaxy web. Where is it? Thanks, Kathryn To: Sun, Wenping [USA] Cc: Subject: [External] Re: [galaxy-user] galaxy cloudman login To be clear, your admin user still works on this instance but another one does not? If this is the case, can you log in as the admin user (and, if not, simply register a new user and make it an admin) and take a look at the user list in the admin panel? To get to the user list when in Galaxy, just click "Admin" at the top and then "Manage Users". Are there users listed? If your user is listed but you're unable to log in, you can reset your password here. -Dannon
ADD REPLYlink written 5.9 years ago by Sun, Wenping [USA]230
If you were logged in when you were working previously, we just have to figure out who you were logged in as, and log back in. You may also want to check "Saved Histories" to make sure you aren't unintentionally in a fresh history instead of the one you want. This is from within the Galaxy interface, not cloudman. Click "Admin" in the top masthead, and then on the left side you should see a bunch of options. The first of these should be "Manage users".
ADD REPLYlink written 5.9 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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