Question: Exception fetching flavor: local variable 'image' referenced before assignment
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18 months ago by
richard_martinez0 wrote:


I am in the middle of following the instructions in I have successfully completed the steps to install the Cloud Launch app, get my own bucket, and Build a Machine Image. But when I try to perform Step 1 under "Build the galaxyFS" I get the error below on the /monitor page:

Exception fetching flavor: local variable 'image' referenced before assignment

The Cloud Launch logs do not include any additional information about this error. The result is the same regardless of whether or not I define a Flavor for the image I'm using.

Has anyone encountered this error, and how i might fix it?

Thanks. RIchard

ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago • written 18 months ago by richard_martinez0

Can you provide a bit more of the stacktrace? Also, just making sure you specified an image I'd under the clouds table? Lastly, this is all for the old Cloud Launch app correct?

ADD REPLYlink written 18 months ago by Enis Afgan690
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18 months ago by
richard_martinez0 wrote:

Hi Enis. Your questions helped me figure out what was wrong. Although I had configured an image, I had not marked it as default. Then on the launch page, since I was not showing advanced options, i did not see that the image field had defaulted to custom image. Once I set the image to default. the rest worked.

Thanks! Richard

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by richard_martinez0
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