I have just launched a new cluster using cloudman
- Running Galaxy at revision: 11219:5c789ab4144a
I'd like to upload a new custom genome and some previously published transcriptomic data for it.
I'm trying to use FTP to upload the data but everytime I get this response (both using my ftp gui client and mac os x command line)
"530 This FTP server is anonymous only."
Is there additional configuration I have to do to make the FTP work out of the box? All that I've read so far seems to suggest that it should just work out of the box.
I can confirm this is a bug -- you're not doing anything wrong. I'll reply with a solution shortly.
Fixed thanks!!
One comment though, it will only works with active transfer (both my command line ftp and FileZilla are set to passive by default and have to be manually set to active).
Would it make sense to open the ports for passive (not sure what range proftpd is set to)? I'm not a security guy, but is there any reason why not opening it?