I am currently trying to reboot a Galaxy Cloudman instance in order to retrieve some data.. It, however, will not restart. The Galaxy main volume is completely full and I think that might be the issue. I tried resizing it, but using the "Grow" option only creates a snapshot of the volume and then proceed to stay with that "Volume Manipulation" window. I tried rebooting it again, and it shows the same thing (won't restart the instance and it won't grow).
The log shows this:
17:57:42 - Existing worker instance 'i-2f46dbbf' found alive (will configure it later). 17:57:54 - Rebooting instance 'i-2f46dbbf;; w1'. 17:57:54 - Completed the initial cluster startup process. Configuring a previously existing cluster of type Galaxy. 17:58:04 - Adding volume vol-6c0687c8 (galaxyIndices FS)... 17:58:26 - Supervisor service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 17:58:26 - Adding volume vol-0aa2b8f7 (galaxy FS)... 17:58:28 - Migration service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 17:58:33 - Postgres service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 17:58:34 - ---> PROBLEM, running command '/bin/su - postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_ctl -w -D /mnt/galaxy/db -l /tmp/pgSQL.log -o\"-p 5930\" start"' returned code '1', the following stderr: 'pg_ctl: could not start server Examine the log output. ' and stdout: 'waiting for server to start.... stopped waiting ' 17:58:34 - Slurmctld service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 17:58:34 - NodeJSProxy service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 17:58:45 - Slurmd service prerequisites OK; starting the service. 18:00:51 - Instance 'i-2f46dbbf;; w1' reported alive 18:01:11 - Could not get a handle on job manager service to add node 'i-2f46dbbf;; w1' 18:01:11 - Waiting on worker instance 'i-2f46dbbf;; w1' to configure itself. 18:01:22 - Instance 'i-2f46dbbf;; w1' ready
The PROBLEM line, comes from the "Postgres" service - if I go to admin, its status says "starting" but the log shows:
FATAL: could not access status of transaction 0 DETAIL: Could not write to file "pg_notify/0000" at offset 0: No space left on device.
Again maybe signifying a volume too full. I've tried as many things as I can think of, but just really not sure what to do. I'd be happy to just at least access the data, even without a functional Galaxy instance, which I can just remake a new one.
Thank you for your help, Diego