Question: Bioblend cannot launch latest Cloudman AMI
gravatar for bobbledavidson
3.2 years ago by
Hong Kong
bobbledavidson0 wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to launch the latest Cloudman API using Bioblend. AMI is ami-d1c77fba (as per

My bioblend code looks like this (AWS keys changed) and works with the previous AMI (ami-a7dbf6ce)


from bioblend.cloudman import CloudManConfig
from bioblend.cloudman import CloudManInstance

cfg=CloudManConfig(access_key='YEAHRIGHT',kwargs={},ramdisk_id=None,placement='',initial_storage_size=20,image_id='ami-d1c77fba', kernel_id=None,galaxy_data_option='',cluster_name='bb_test_cluster',instance_type='m1.medium',block_until_ready=True,cluster_type='Galaxy',secret_key='GETOUTTAHERE',password='BLAHBLAH',security_groups=['cloudman-sg'],keyname='cloudman_key_pair')

cmi = CloudManInstance.launch_instance(cfg)


The error that is produced by the last line of code is:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

  File "/home/gigafig/gigafigcntrl/gfigEnv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bioblend/cloudman/", line 433, in launch_instance

    raise VMLaunchException("Error launching cloudman instance: {0}".format(result['error']))

bioblend.cloudman.VMLaunchException: 'Error launching cloudman instance: Problem launching an instance.'


ANyone got any ideas as to what might be wrong? I'd think it might be that the AMI is in a different availability-zone or something but this code works for N.Virginia and the AMI appears to be available there.






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