Question: Critical FTP Upload Problem
gravatar for francisco.j.sanchez.rivera
20 months ago by


I have been trying for the past 3 days or so to upload several FASTQ files without any success. I am able to upload them through the website if they are less than 2GB, but the ones over 2GB I have not been able to. I've tried FTP countless of times, and I can connect, but it appears to disconnect from it before it finished uploading the big files. I have also tried a different computer as well. Any idea why this is happening?



software error • 362 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 20 months ago • written 20 months ago by francisco.j.sanchez.rivera0
gravatar for francisco.j.sanchez.rivera
20 months ago by

I get the following when trying to upload via FTP using the terminal:

150 File status okay; about to open data connection. 100% |**********************************************************************| 2040 MiB 6.93 MiB/s 00:00 ETA 421 Service not available, remote server timed out. Connection closed.



ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by francisco.j.sanchez.rivera0
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