Question: Fwd: Uploading Error
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7.4 years ago by
Assaf Gordon320
United States
Assaf Gordon320 wrote:
Hello Rubina, I've forwarding your email to the galaxy public mailing list, where the Galaxy team can further help you with your upload. Generally speaking, uploading big FASTQ using the web interface is prone to errors. The Galaxy team added a new upload method, using FTP, which is more reliable. Detailed instructions are available here: Regards, -gordon Subject: uploading error Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:10:57 +0000 To: <> Hi, My name is Rubina. I am using Galaxy to convert fastq files to fasta format. I tried to upload fastq file on the following link. However I am not able to upload. Its been a week, but it still shows uploading. Thank You, Rubina
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