I am trying to upload several (about 95) fastqsanger.gz files from my laptop to the public usegalaxy.org.
All files are below 2 gb and generally around 500mb.
I left my laptop on for 2 days as the upload speed was not great but eventually all the data has been added and is grey with a little clock next to it saying "this job is waiting to run"
Around 10 or 15 of the files uploaded and turned green fine, and the process now seems to be stuck on one sample which has turned yellow and is saying " this job is currently running". But it has been doing this for a coup of hours now and I suspect something is amiss?
Is there any way of me checking what the problem might be?
Thanks for your time,
Some of us have been encountering this issue since yesterday (https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/22353/)
Ah, I have now seen a few posts. At least I know its not just me,
Fingers crossed its resolved soon.