Question: How to deal with PROXY when installing new local instance
christophe.habib • 340 wrote:
I am trying to install a new local instance of galaxy. So I did as always :
git clone -b release_16.10
And I have this error related to proxy :
I can have a workaround by doing : export all_proxy="https://adress_proxy:port/"
So here the wheels things are running for some package such as PyYAML, numpy etc. But It still crash for repoze package.
And so the workaround wasn't a good solution. Obviously, I have the same error So my question is simple :
When you work in an environment where every single request goes through a proxy (here, in a hospital), how can I set the proxy properly to make everything work at the first attempt ?
Thank you for your help !
On note : I have same kind of issues when I try to get docker version of Galaxy.