Hello everyone,
I have this error when I try to use DESeq2 1.8.2 from iuc team :
I guess there is a special character in one of the htseq-count output because the gff file contains it. I tried to clean the gff file to regenerate the htcount outputs, but I still have the same issue (but I could have "forget" one special character)
I would like to find the good place to make things work, like by adding something to decode/encode the string that create this error. First, I wonder if the issue comes from python, the DB (in postgresql which is in UTF8) or from R script. The error suggests that it is in python, but i'm not that sure about that.
Any guidance would be very appreciated, did you already met this error ?
Thank you !
It's more likely that the unicode character is included in the stderr or stdout. Can you check your locale setting of your Galaxy host and switch them to UTF-8 if possible.
I just switched all locales to fr_FR.UTF-8. And I restarted the galaxy instance.
But the issue is still here. Do I have to regenerate the htseq-count files before trying to use DESeq2 again ?
I tried to regenerate all htseq-count files, it still doesn't work..
I just noticed that my DB was actually in ASCII :
So I guess the issue is here. How do I change this properly ? I found that :
Is that OK ? Do I have something else to do on the dumped database like managing the special charaters before reloading it ?