Question: Request For Showing Output Plots In Galaxy Frame
gravatar for Matthew Iyer
9.0 years ago by
Matthew Iyer10
Matthew Iyer10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy team, My name is Matthew Iyer and I am a Bioinformatics PhD student at the University of Michigan. I am doing my thesis in Arul Chinnaiyan's cancer research lab and generally work with NGS data. I am interested in incorporating galaxy for displaying customized bar/scatter plots showing gene expression levels for many samples. I have downloaded and am successfully using a galaxy locally and I really love it. However, all of the graph display/plotting tools create images (PDF) for download. Of course, the option to download the images is important, but is it also possible to display these images in the main window? This feature would make a crucial difference for me and would create many users of galaxy in our lab. I am a python programmer myself and would be interested in contributing to this effort rather than developing this in a separate framework. I am sure that it is a simple modification to show an image in the main window. I look forward to working with you and using galaxy! Best, Matthew
galaxy • 864 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.0 years ago by James Taylor320 • written 9.0 years ago by Matthew Iyer10
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
9.0 years ago by
Penn State University
Greg Von Kuster810 wrote:
Hello Matthew, I've opened the following ticket for this bug - thanks very much for reporting it. You can "follow" the ticket in bitbucket if you want. showing-output-plots-in-galaxy Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.0 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810
gravatar for James Taylor
9.0 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Matthew, What browser are you seeing this behavior on? Clicking the "eye" icon should display PDF datasets in the middle pane, and I just verified that it does on main using Safari. However, how PDFs are displayed is dependent on browser and plugin issues. -- jt
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.0 years ago by James Taylor320
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