Question: Put An Apache Password On Galaxy?
gravatar for Lee Katz
5.6 years ago by
Lee Katz20
Lee Katz20 wrote:
Hi, I am relatively new to Galaxy. I would like to set it up as an apache password protected site. I have tried to do it, but I realize now that it has its own server built-in and that it is ineffective to set up .htaccess because it isn't reading .htaccess (or so I think). More information: Apache works (test page loads, and I can change it), and Galaxy works (I even made a new tool that is working). I have Ubuntu 12. My basic, basic need is to set up a server-level password like what .htaccess would provide. Could anyone help? Thank you. -- Lee Katz, Ph.D.
galaxy • 737 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.6 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5.6 years ago by Lee Katz20
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5.6 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Lee, Please see the section " External user authentication" on this wiki: If you still need help, posting this question over on the mailing list (but not cross-posting) with more details about what you have tried (how this solution was not a fit, etc.) will give you question the best exposure to the development community. Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson Galaxy Support and Training
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.6 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
Thanks Jen. I tried a few more things before posting to galaxy-dev, and it turns out that I had the default virtual host still running, while I tried to have a galaxy virtualhost running alongside it. I think it should be possible to do that still, but it simplified and corrected it when I removed the default virtual host from apache/sites-enabled I have a second question now. Where would I put the .htaccess file for it to be read correctly? I tried this line in my new virtualhost file, but no password prompt appears AccessFileName /home/galaxy/bin/galaxy-dist/static/.htaccess More info: All directories are chmod 775 for user galaxy starting with /home/galaxy/ $ cat static/.htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Yay Bioinformatics" AuthUserFile /home/galaxy/bin/galaxy-dist/htpasswd require valid-user $ cat htpasswd EDLB:xxxxxxxxxxxxx $ ll static/.htaccess -rw-r--r-- 1 galaxy galaxy 117 Apr 8 17:16 static/.htaccess ll htpasswd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Apr 8 17:32 htpasswd -- Lee Katz, Ph.D.
ADD REPLYlink written 5.6 years ago by Lee Katz20
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