Updated reply: A proxy is no longer required. uWSGI can be used.
Please see:
- https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/slideshow/architecture/galaxy_architecture.html?highlight=uwsgi#galaxy-wsgi
- https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/index.html
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
Thanks for the update. The version of galaxy that I am working with is 17.09, and I am wondering if, with that version of Galaxy it is still possible to enable SSL without a proxy?
This was added in 18.01 but wWSGI is documented as able to be back-ported to earlier Galaxy versions (I haven't personally tried this). Or upgrade now to 18.01, or wait for the 18.05 release (coming within the next few weeks).
Details: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/18.01_announce.html#uwsgi-details
The installation that I am working on is on a production machine, so I am hesitant to change anything there. It seems I should go with the option of creating a proxy.
About that I am wondering if you think if it would be possible to test Galaxy+SSL set-up on a production machine without disrupting anything.
You should check with the administrators of the server and tell them what you want to do for advice. If the server is already running Apache, etc, you'll be adding config files. And there are security risks if the configuration is not correct when adding a new proxy to a server that doesn't already have one.