Question: Apache - NIS - Galaxy config
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3.1 years ago by
FT0 wrote:


I would like to configure my Apache web server for authentication Galaxy with a NIS server.
I did not find sufficiently complete and simple documentation to me (Apache is absolutely out of my perimeter skills).
How to choose the most appropriate Apache module (pal , ldap , ...? ).

I tried to install the mod_perl module by following these instructions ( but the next module does not seem to recognize the installation of mod_perl.
The module is yet loaded in httpd.conf (LoadModule perl_module modules/

Furthermore I got a "Galaxy is configured to authenticate users via an external method (such as HTTP authentication in Apache), but a username was not provided by the upstream (proxy) server. This is generally due to a misconfiguration in the upstream server." error.

Are there other variables (except those below) to modify in the galaxy.ini file?

enable_openid = True
use_remote_user = True

Is there another (and best) way to manage the NIS authentication with Apache ?

Since nothing works, I would like to start from the beginning, to avoid accumulating more errors.



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