Question: LDAP/AD auth_conf.xml setting
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19 months ago by
leshin0 wrote:


We have a galaxy server setup by using our institution's LDAP/AD server through apache proxy to do the authentication. We would like to switch our authentication from apache proxy to using auth_conf.xml file. But, after trying for a long time, we still can not make it work. I wonder can someone help with us to properly setup the content of auth_conf.xml file. We really appreciate.


Our apache config file looks like this:

    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthType Basic
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
    AuthName "Galaxy server login"
    AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=BIND_USER,OU=Special Accounts,OU=Domain Accounts,DC=AM,DC=SAMPLE,DC=com"
    AuthLDAPBindPassword 'BIND_PASSWORD'
    AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)"
    Require 'valid-use'  
    AuthLDAPGroupAttribute uniquemember
    RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{AUTHENTICATE_sAMAccountName}e

Our auth_conf.xml looks like:






        <!-- LDAP-specific options -->

        <!-- For Active Directory: -->

        <!-- If login-use-username is True -->
        <search-user>CN=BIND_USER,OU=Special Accounts,OU=Domain Accounts,DC=AM,DC=SAMPLE,DC=com</search-user>
software error • 888 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 19 months ago • written 19 months ago by leshin0

Hi leshin

I am not an apache expert, but I guess all the authentication is no longer required in the apache config file, once you have switch to doing the authentication within galaxy based on the settings in the auth_conf.xml file.

So I would go step by step. First try to get the authentication within galaxy based on the settings in the auth_conf.xml file to work without using apache proxy at all. Have a look here: (Don't forget to check the last line of this page )

Once this is working, turn on apache just to do provide the proxy

Hope this helps Regards, Hans-Rudolf

ADD REPLYlink written 19 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k

Hi Hans-Rudolf,

Thanks a lot for your reply. In fact, I just want to use auth_conf.xml to do the authentication instead of using apache. My problem is that I can not properly convert my current LDAP configuration into auth_conf.xml file to make the authentication work. Again, my apache config file is working fine and I could not make my auth_conf.xml work so far. If you have some comments about how to correct my autho_conf.xml, it will be very helpful to us.



ADD REPLYlink written 19 months ago by leshin0

Hi Le-Shin

Setting the correct options in the auth_conf.xml file is difficult, and the options depend on the settings of your local ldap server.

What kind of error do you get in the galaxy log file?


ADD REPLYlink written 19 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
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