Question: Data/History/User Export And Import
gravatar for Bossers, Alex
6.0 years ago by
Bossers, Alex240
Bossers, Alex240 wrote:
Dear all, Would it be possible somehow to not only export a single history of a user (to file) but also all histories of a user in one go. Or even all user-bound histories/settings and such? I would like to import them into another galaxy instance (basically from our internal development (galaxy_central) server to our public production (galaxy-dist) server), but going over them one-by-one will be a laborious task. Both instances are up-to-date. I do have admin access to both the galaxy instances (as we own them) so admin bound tools and/or possibilities from commandline would be suitable as well. Since I am unsure where it fits in the user-list or dev-list I cross- posted to both (sorry). Thanks in advance! Alex
galaxy • 1.3k views
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