Question: New Local Install And Mysql
gravatar for Chris Cole
10.1 years ago by
Chris Cole150
Chris Cole150 wrote:
Hi, Galaxy looks like a really cool tool and I'm very keen to try it out on our local set-up (Linux, BTW). This is probably the first of many questions... ;) I've got the basic setup up and running, but I saw somewhere (can't find it now) that you recommend using mysql or postgres for a live set-up. Can you point me to instructions or tell me how I can get galaxy talking to our mysql server? Cheers, Chris
galaxy • 1.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840 • written 10.1 years ago by Chris Cole150
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10.1 years ago by
Greg Von Kuster840 wrote:
Hello Chris, The Galaxy distribution includes a sqlite database, but although it is a great product, it is not recommended for a multi-user, live Galaxy instance ( not thread-safe, etc ). To use a mysql or postgres db, simply create the desired database and change your database connection setting in your universe_wsgi.ini file. Comment out the default: database_file = database/universe.sqlite and add a mysql setting: database_connection = mysql:///<database name=""> or possibly something like: database_connection = mysql:///<database name="">?unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
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