Question: Error Running Galaxy On Windows Xp
gravatar for Ryan Morin
12.6 years ago by
Ryan Morin50
Ryan Morin50 wrote:
Hello developers. I have just installed Galaxy on my Windows XP machine to try it out. I am having a problem running the server locally. I ran the script with no errors and I can load the page it generates in my browser. However, when I attempt to load some data from the UCSC (following the flash demo) I am not able to load the UCSC table browser. When I run the test script I get the following printout (see below). I'm sure it's something simple but I don't have the expertise to try to debug this. Can anyone help me out? Thanks. Ryan C:\galaxy\tests>c:\Python24\python *** adding to sys.path Testing individual deletes ... ERROR Testing metadata editing ... ERROR Testing home page ... ERROR Checking data for multiple uploads ... ERROR Testing single upload ... ERROR ====================================================================== ERROR: Testing individual deletes Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 41, in setUp self.home() File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 50, in home tc.code(200) File "c:\galaxy\eggs\twill-0.8.3-py2.4.egg\twill\", line 115, in co de TwillAssertionError: code is 407 != 200 ====================================================================== ERROR: Testing metadata editing Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 41, in setUp self.home() File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 50, in home tc.code(200) File "c:\galaxy\eggs\twill-0.8.3-py2.4.egg\twill\", line 115, in co de TwillAssertionError: code is 407 != 200 ====================================================================== ERROR: Testing home page Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 41, in setUp self.home() File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 50, in home tc.code(200) File "c:\galaxy\eggs\twill-0.8.3-py2.4.egg\twill\", line 115, in co de TwillAssertionError: code is 407 != 200 ====================================================================== ERROR: Checking data for multiple uploads Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 41, in setUp self.home() File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 50, in home tc.code(200) File "c:\galaxy\eggs\twill-0.8.3-py2.4.egg\twill\", line 115, in co de TwillAssertionError: code is 407 != 200 ====================================================================== ERROR: Testing single upload Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 41, in setUp self.home() File "C:\galaxy\tests\", line 50, in home tc.code(200) File "c:\galaxy\eggs\twill-0.8.3-py2.4.egg\twill\", line 115, in co de TwillAssertionError: code is 407 != 200 Ran 5 tests in 0.218s FAILED (errors=5)
galaxy • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.6 years ago by Istvan Albert250 • written 12.6 years ago by Ryan Morin50
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12.6 years ago by
Istvan Albert250
University Park
Istvan Albert250 wrote:
Hello Ryan, does your Internet Explorer need some proxy settings when connecting to the Internet? Given the type of the error this would be my first guess. Setting IE to work certain ways affects how the network library will work from other applications as well, in this case python. Istvan. -- Istvan Albert, Research Associate, Bioinformatics Consulting Center, Huck Institute for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.6 years ago by Istvan Albert250
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